Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Little Hero of the Month

Hello Everyone! Meet two years old Logan Fye, our LITTLE HERO of the Month!!!!!   Logan is the son of  U.S. Army Soldier, Nate Fye stationed with HHC JRCF at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. 
Logan is your typical fun loving little boy...getting into things, climbing, and being the little clown of the family.  Logan loved the camera and could definitely grow up to be a GQ model!!!!  There was also a time I thought he and I might be taking a dip in the freezing pond water.  Logan also has a loving side, I love little boy love.  Logan has a soft spot for others who might be hurting or not feeling well, and always wants to kiss or hug the hurt away.  What you might not know about Logan is, he has a delayed speech problem and is in speech therapy were he is learning sign language.  His big sisters, Gabby 7 and Haley 5 help their little brother practice his sign language. Gabby and Haley are also  big helpers around the house while their step-dad is working long hours.

I asked Haley why soldiers are so special?  She looked at me with those adorable eyes and said, 
"They protect us from the bad guys." True Haley, true!

The Fye Family is a very proud military family! The children love going with Dad to formation, sporting their PT uniforms,and might someday be soldiers themselves.

Introducing January's Little Hero of the Month:  Logan Fye

 Gabby, the miracle girl who was born at 32 weeks and has proved the doctors wrong all the way!!!!  Gabby loves school, reading, and playing with her friends.

Big hearted Haley, the animal lover and chef of the family.  Haley loves all animals, has been adjusting to Kindergarten, and likes a little alone time to draw and color.

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