Here she is, Briar Scott! I just love her name. Briar is TWP's Little Hero for the month of May. Briar is a true Daddy's girl to U.S. Army Soldier, Jeff Scott stationd with HHC 705th MP Co., here at Fort Leavenworth. Before joining the Army 2 years ago, Jeff spent 8 1/2 years in the Navy. Like many military children, Briar struggles with all this "Army Stuff", schools, and unaccopanied tours. Also, like many military children, she has been strong through it all and has adapted to where ever her family may move to or go through next.
It only took Briar a few minutes to warm up to me and my camera. Then, she became a photographers dream!!!! We also got lucky that Dad stopped by the shoot on his way home from work. We were able to grab him and take a few shots of him and his girl together.
After talking with Briar only a few minutes I could tell that she was as sweet on the inside as she was pretty on the outside! She enjoys all sorts of activities like: swiminng, gymnastics, baseball and girl scouts, just to name a few. Briar is in the 1st grade and being homeschooled by her mother Dee.
Briar, it was my pleasure to have you be my Little Hero feature this month. Continue to love and support your Daddy, watch over your Mommy, and turn to God to get you through this crazy life as an Army Brat!!!!!